Philippe Quinault, Dramatist
par William Brooks. Peter Lang, 2009. 512 pages
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Table des matières
Foreword (7)
I. Introductory (11)
The Colours and the Mast (12)
A Brief History of Quinault Criticism (14)
Quinault and Etienne Gros (19)
II. Six Early Plays; or Five Successes and a Failure (25)
All’s Well that Ends Well (42)
Les Rivales (43)
La Généreuse Ingratitude (51)
L’Amant indiscret, ou le Maître étourdi (55)
La Comédie sans comédie (63)
Les Coups de l’amour et de la fortune (72)
Le Fantôme amoureux (80)
Much Ado about Nothing (86)
Characters; or, Heroes and Villains (87)
Love; or, In her First Passion? (99)
Social and Political Themes; or, ‘On joue ou on ne joue pas?’ (114)
Plot and Artifice (120)
The Transmission of Information (129)
False and Mistaken Identity (143)
Visual Action and Music (149)
Genre and Tone (151)
III. Five Middle Plays; or Four Weddings and a Funeral (157)
Experiments with Success (161)
Amalasonte (161)
Le Feint Alcibiade (168)
Le Mariage de Cambise (177)
La Mort de Cyrus (183)
Stratonice (195)
The Play’s the Thing (201)
Characters; or, Winners and Losers (201)
Love; or, ‘Adieu, prudence’ (215)
Political themes; or, The Conscience of the King (238)
Plot and the Transmission of Information (246)
False and Mistaken Identity (265)
Visual Action (267)
Genre, Tone, and Credibility (268)
IV. Five Mature Plays; or Four Funerals and a Wedding (275)
Successes without Experiment (284)
Agrippa, roi d’Albe, ou le Faux Tibérinus (284)
Astrate, roi de Tyr (295)
La Mère coquette, ou les Amants brouillés (309)
Pausanias (324)
Bellérophon (334)
From Personnage to Character (349)
Characters; or, Women in Love (349)
Love; or, On ne badine plus avec l’amour (380)
Political and Social Themes; or, On ne saurait penser à tout (403)
Plot, Information, and False Identity (420)
Visual Action: Surtout l’anneau royal (434)
Genre, Tone, and Credibility (437)
V. Quinault’s Art poetique; or As You Like It (445)
Yet is there Method In It? (445)
Astratus vixit (446)
Aspects of Style (450)
Aspects of Structure (460)
Quinault and his Contemporaries (463)
Quinault’s Audience and his Actors (463)
Quinault’s Critics (465)
Quinault and Racine (468)
VI. Conclusion (473)
Bibliography ( 481)
Index (501)